‘Hands on Shakespeare’ is a practical workshop for secondary school students delivered with the assistance of a group of trained actors and trained drama teachers.
The aim of the workshop is to remove the ‘fear’ that accompanies the study of Shakespeare through a ‘hands on’ method, which engages students of various abilities and allows them ‘a way in’ to the world of the play in a fun and innovative way.
Who are we?
My name is Olga Conway, founder of Discovering Drama based in Wexford. Along with my initial drama undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications I also hold a Postgraduate Award from the University of Warwick and the Royal Shakespeare Company in ‘Teaching Shakespeare to students and young people’.
During my sixteen years of drama teaching I have explored various Shakespearean scenes with students and found that they understood the objective and language more readily when the veil was lifted off the text/narrative, while working through a physical approach.
This year I am offering secondary schools the opportunity to participate in a new and innovative forum which allows the exploration of Shakespeare in a physical way.
The aim of the workshop is to remove the ‘fear’ that accompanies the study of Shakespeare through a ‘hands on’ method, which engages students of various abilities and allows them ‘a way in’ to the world of the play in a fun and innovative way.
Olga Conway
H.Dip, Dip(hons), PGCA(Shakespeare) LIBSD
Wexford native, Olga Conway, attended D.I.T. Conservatory of Music and Drama, receiving a 3 Year Diploma in Drama Studies with first class honours and completed her Higher Diploma in Drama Studies at UCD. She also has her Licentiate Diploma in Drama Studies from the Irish Board of Speech and Drama. Olga obtained a Postgraduate Award in Teaching Shakespeare to students and young people from The University of Warwick and the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Hands on Shakespeare is based on a ground-breaking professional development platform for teachers, developed by the Royal Shakespeare Company and the University of Warwick. Its success is based upon knowing that young people get the most out of Shakespeare’s plays when they approach them in the way that RSC actors do; on their feet, actively exploring the text and unlocking its meaning.
It also allows the students to draw a parallel between the work they do in the Hands on Shakespeare workshop and the exam that they will be sitting, hence the emphasis of the questions on the actual papers in the workshop.
Each intensive 90 minute Hands on Shakespeare workshop is specifically devised to meet the curriculum needs for 3rd and 5th year students. It is also suitable for 2nd and 6th years or as a method to introduce 4th years to various plays in preparation for their forthcoming leaving certificate course. The programme can be tailored to allow your students to gain the most through their timetable.

Workshop Details
Examining the actual Leaving and Junior Certificate questions, the Hands on Shakespeare proposal allows the exploration of the following headings set out by the Department: Characters, Themes, Open Questions, Style Questions
As a result of completing the Postgraduate course in Teaching Shakespeare from the RSC and University of Warwick by attending the RSC in Stratford- Upon-Avon, along with my initial Drama training, the proposed workshops work towards artistic and pedagogic ‘qualities’ through:
- Context – Where does the scene come in the play? Why is it there?
- Intention – What are we trying to achieve?
- Authenticity – Ensuring the workshop was a personal journey as well as academically meaningful.
- Analysis – (a) the world of the play, (b) the story, (c) the characters, and (d) the language.
- Relevance – Keeping the balance between academic merits with cultural relevance.
Techniques & Understanding
The following are the techniques/method used:
- Teach in innovative and creative ways.
- Set the pace and challenge of learning across the ability and age range.
- Manage pupil behaviour and relationships.
- Use advanced teaching skills in questioning, group work and develop personal, learning and thinking skills.
- Encourage students to make their own informed interpretive choices.
Having enabled the students, we hope they will have achieved understanding of the following:
- Character and motivation.
- Themes and ideas.
- Language.
- The plays in performance.
Words from happy teachers
“Thank you for your workshop. Everyone was very organized and upbeat which really engages the students. In particular they enjoyed the focus on key quotations and their relevance to the play. They also mentioned the corridor of abuse as interesting and the chance to role play scenarios. An enjoyable day.”
Dunlavin, Co Wicklow
“I am just e-mailing to say that there was a fantastic feedback from my 3rd years this morning. I believe you have instilled a greater understanding of what can be a daunting study.”
Duiske College, Co. Kilkenny
The workshop will take place in the YOUR school and is approximately one and a half hours in length. To make a booking please fill out the short enquiry form and we’ll get back to you asap!
*Currently we have availabilities on Mondays & Thursdays. We will do our best to accommodate your availability.
The cost per student is €10. The final number of students booked must attend or the equivalent amount paid on the day.
Direct Email: olgaconway@gmail.com